Compactor Rental
Rental Rates
Half Day ( 4 Hours )
Full Day (8 Hours)
Rental Agreement
How to Start and Operate a Compactor
Replace with video Tutorial on how to use a compactor.
Operator Guide
Before getting started always remember, the compactor is a two-person lift, and that you should always wear the proper safety equipment while operating. Closed shoes, ear muff or plugs, goggles, gloves, and a dust mask.
Step 1: Turn the fuel valve to the on position
Step 2: Turn the choke to the On position
Step 3: Turn the throttle Control to full throttle
Step 4:Pull ripcord to start
Step 5: Pass over area going back and forth and then switching directions
Step 6: The machine will start to vibrate more rapidly as the ground hardens and becomes more compact and you can turn it down.
Watch the Video Here

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